You don’t have to spend a fortune on marketing. These twenty-five ideas won’t break the bank. But a word of caution. Don’t try them all at once. You’ll go crazy! Pick a couple and focus on them. See what works for you and then move on to some others.
What marketing approaches have you used that are cheap and effective? Love to hear from you!
- Business cards: Don’t forget to carry a few cards with you at all times. You never know when and where you’ll have a conversation and someone will want your card. Ask businesses if they will display your card.
- Join a community group: People will get to know you and in time you’ll have some potential clients. I was part of a community choir for many years. It worked for me!
- Offer workshops: This is a great way to introduce people to life stories and attract clients.
- Write articles: Seek opportunities to write articles for your local paper, alumni magazine, professional newsletters, etc.
- Arrange speaking opportunities: Service organizations such as the Rotary club and Lions club are always looking for guest speakers.
- Wear a button or T-shirt: Have a T-shirt made with a phrase like “Preserving memories is an act of love”. Wear your T-shirt when you go to the supermarket or mall.
- Join networking groups: From Chambers of Commerce to BNI there’s a business group for you. Ask some local business people for suggestions.
- Start a Blog: If you like to write and have something useful to offer potential clients, then this might be just for you.
- Put a bumper sticker on your car: A few words and your telephone number provides a mobile advertisement for your business.
- Carry a tote with a catchy “personal history” phrase: This is similar to the T-shirt suggestion above but more suitable for business settings.
- Sign up and use Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn: Social media has become a powerful marketing tool. Don’t be left behind!
- Become a volunteer: Find an organization for which you’ve some affinity. In time you’ll find some clients among the people you’ll meet.
- Give away gifts: I frequent garage sales and pick up books that relate in some way to life stories. I insert a small label in the book that includes my business name and contact information. I give these away at my workshops. You might also try bookmarks or pens.
- Host your own radio or TV show: Local community radio and TV stations are always looking for new sources of programing.
- Join Toastmasters: There’s a Toastmasters in most cities. Not only is it a great way to improve your speaking abilities but also to find clients.
- Ask for referrals: Don’t forget to ask your satisfied clients for referrals.
- Publish an Online newsletter: This is an excellent way to keep in touch with clients and establish yourself as an authority.
- Speak at Conferences: This provides an opportunity to share your expertise and meet prospects.
- Join the Association of Personal Historians: The Association provides great support and its membership listing is available to those looking to hire a personal historian.
- Create an e-mail signature: Every e-mail you send out should include a memorable phrase, your web/blog address and contact information.
- Give away free reports: On your blog or website create a useful document that visitors will want to read. This not only establishes you as an authority but also strengthens your bond with your audience.
- Form “supportive” business alliances: Contact local businesses that have clients that might also fit your client profile. For example you could meet with people offering “Seniors Services”. Suggest to them that it would be mutually beneficial to cross promote your services.
- Attend workshops: It’s a way to enhance your professional skills and market your personal history business.
- Organize a charity fund-raising event: You get to meet a lot of people, do something worthwhile, and create more awareness of your company.
- Send out media releases. Tie your release to a holiday, special day, or issue. Follow up with a phone call to see if your release was received. Make friends with your local media. Eventually you’ll get an interview.
Photo © Martin Green |
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Another excellent article. Thank you.
@Darlene. You’re welcome Darlene.
Thank you, Dan. I appreciate that in general these are not costly ideas!
@Mary Beth. You’re welcome!
Great list. These ideas could work for many different types of service businesses, not just a personal history business.
@Barbra. Thanks, Barbra. Appreciate your taking the time to comment on my post.