Monday’s Link Roundup.

If you only have time for one item in this Monday’s Link Roundup, don’t miss  Alice Dancing Under the Gallows. It’s the trailer for a documentary about Alice Herz-Sommer, the oldest living Holocaust survivor.  I guarantee that your faith in people’s capacity for survival, love, and forgiveness will be reawakened.

  • E-Mail Auto-Response. A Humorous twist. “Thank you for your e-mail, which, if it is under three (3) sentences long, I have read. Owing to the large volume of e-mails I’m receiving at this time, please note that it will sometimes take up to fourteen (14) calendar days, though sometimes longer (and sometimes much longer), to respond to your e-mail;”
  • Awesome Download: Toolkit for Making Written Material Clear and Effective. “The Toolkit includes detailed guidelines for writing, graphic design, and culturally appropriate translation from English into other languages.  It includes a book-length guide to methods of testing written material with readers, and covers special topics in writing and design.  These special topics include cautions about using readability formulas to assess material, things to know if your material is for older adults, a comparison of written material on websites versus written material in printed formats, and an extended “before and after” example of using the Toolkit guidelines to revise a brochure.”
  • UNESCO’s Ten Best Intangible Cultural Heritage Sites. “Most people are familiar with UNESCO’s “World Heritage Site” designation, but may not know that the organization also has identified cultural “intangibles”— traditions or living expressions that are deemed equally important to safeguard, such as traditional performing arts, social practices, festive events or traditional craftsmanship.”
  • 10 Tips for Blogging Your Memoir or Any Book. “No other activity expands one’s presence on the Internet as effectively as blogging. And what activity better plays to an author’s strength? We have the talent necessary to write our way to book sales. Now, there are tricks to making the effort more manageable and effective, but it still comes down to your writing.”
  • Time for Life. “The goal of Time for Life is really pretty simple, to inspire and encourage people to pause to think about what is really important in life. No amount of money can ever buy anyone a single additional year, day, hour or second. We only get it once.”
  • White Paper: Preserving Your Family History Records Digitally.“This paper discusses the benefits and challenges of using digital preservation to both augment and enhance the preservation of your family history records. It also explores solutions to the challenges, identifies what types of family history records are suitable for digital preservation, and summarizes what is required to get started archiving digital records.”

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