From the Archives: 25 No Cost or Low Cost Marketing Ideas for Your Personal History Business.

25 No Cost or Low Cost Marketing Ideas for Your Personal History Business. You don’t have to spend a fortune on marketing. These twenty-five ideas won’t break the bank. But a word of caution. Don’t try them all at once. You’ll go crazy! Pick a couple and focus on them. See what works for you and then move on to some others. What marketing approaches have you used that are cheap and effective? Love to hear from you! Business cards: Don’t forget to carry a few cards with you at all times. You never know when and where you … Read More

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2 Responses to From the Archives: 25 No Cost or Low Cost Marketing Ideas for Your Personal History Business.

  1. Good stuff here, Dan.
    I felt good that I had actually done a lot of these (even the bumper sticker!)
    But you also gave me more ideas to try as well. THANKS.
    Hope you’re doing well.
    Best wishes,

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