Monday’s Link Roundup.

This Monday Link’s Roundup has two items you’ll not want to miss. The first is the Free One Day Online Conference which offers a wonderful opportunity to learn how social media can support your business. The second is The Gardener’s Bucket List which illustrates yet another creative way that family stories can be told.

  • Book Review: The Last Muster by Maureen Taylor. “I sat down yesterday evening to read a new book by Maureen Taylor with significant contributions by David Allen Lambert: The Last Muster – Images of the Revolutionary War Generation. I figured I’d spend an hour or so speed-reading it, and then I would write a review and go to bed early. I was wrong! I ended up reading every word, looking at every picture, and not writing the review at all until today. The book is that interesting.”
  • MacFamilyTree. Version 6.0 Public Beta. “Easily enter and then visualize your family history. Be it creating reports, diagrams or browsing your data in the innovative 3D view called Virtual Tree – MacFamilyTree offers a solution for every task. Get an overview of where you hail from and maybe enthuse your relatives about exploring your family’s past at your upcoming family reunion.”
  • The Gardner’s Bucket List.  “I never really wrote anything down when I was a young gardener my successes and failures drifted off with memory. But when I had children I realized how important a garden journal really was in my busy life. My journal has become a family history along with a record of my garden successes and failures…Allow your gardener’s journals to stand in honor with your photo albums and pictures because as some of my stories have proven they can create a more vivid picture of your time, your family, and your land.”
  • Jewish History of the Late 1940s in Color Videos.“Fred Monosson, a Boston Jewish multimillionaire, purchased one of the first privately-owned portable color movie cameras in the 1940s, then traveled to Europe and Israel to record the historical formation of the state of Israel in color…His grandchildren recently cleaned out the house to prepare it for sale and were about to throw out the old films, believing that nobody would want them. However, one of the grandchildren decided to first call a friend who was an Israeli movie director.”
  • Hey, Doc, I’m a story, not just a symptom. “Having moved so many times in my adult life, I’ve rarely had the chance to really connect with “my” doctors. Some make it easier than others. They are the ones who know how to listen, who want to know the context of whatever symptoms walk through the door. They want to know my story.”

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