Category Archives: Design

Encore! 4 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Book Designer.

“You know a design is good when you want to lick it.”~ Steve Jobs

We all love good design. That’s why the iPod and Ikea have been so successful. Design is the difference between something that is OK and something that is memorable. If you hope to have a successful personal history business producing books, you’ll want to include a designer on your team. Here  are four important benefits of good design. Good design affects … Read More

From the Archives: 7 Things You Can Do to Ensure a Great Workshop.

Workshops are an excellent way of getting yourself in front of potential clients. Running workshops is something I really enjoy. Over the years I’ve learned a few things about designing and facilitating them that I’d like to share with you.  Here are seven things you can do to create an optimum learning environment for your workshop. Set up a comfortable … Read More

From The Archives: 4 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Book Designer.

“You know a design is good when you want to lick it.”~ Steve Jobs ________________________ We all love good design. That’s why the iPod and Ikea have been so successful. Design is the difference between something that is OK and something that is memorable. If you hope to have a successful personal history business producing books, you’ll want to include a designer on your team. Here  are four important benefits of good design. Good design affects … Read More

Do You Want to Make Your Printed Pages Look Better?

In a previous post 4 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Book Designer I extolled the benefits of good book design. I noted that for professional personal historians, hiring  a designer as part of the team was critical for long term success.

For those of you who have some  good visual sense or can’t at the moment afford a book designer, this post is for you. Here’s a list of resources for the DIY book designer.


The Book Designer. “To help publishers and authors who decide to publish their own books get to market with a great looking, properly constructed book, on time and on budget.”

The Self-Publishing Review. “The Self-Publishing Review is an online magazine devoted to self-publishing: book reviews, publisher reviews, interviews, news, opinion, and how to’s.”


7 Keys to DIY Graphic Design on No Budget. “Take these notes into consideration next time you have to get a creative project done on no budget:”

Simple, Practical Color Theory. “The mastery of color theory, relations and harmonies is one of the primary steps to uncovering the full beauty and potential of your images (in the realms of art, design and/or photography). Find out more in this simple, practical, colorful guide.”

Book Design, Part I. “In the first of three columns about book design, John D. Berry begins his look at how the books we read end up looking the way they do.”

Book Design, Part II. “John D. Berry continues his treatise on book design. In this second of three articles, he focuses on text spacing and typeface selection.”

Book Design, part III. “Closing out his series on book design, John D. Berry takes on display type, front and back matter, and playing nice with others.”


Non-Designer’s Design Book, The (3rd Edition) (Paperback) by Robin Williams.  This book is a classic and my favorite. “There is an ever-growing number of people attempting to design pages with no formal training. This book is the one place they can turn to find quick, non-intimidating, excellent design help…”

Book Design and Production by Pete Masterson “…this book will help you understand the book production process and the principles of good cover and interior book design. It will allow you to look at a book design and immediately see the common errors and to see that a book is following the traditions of good book design that gives credibility to your message.”

The Elements of Graphic Design: Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type (Paperback) by Alexander W. White.”Unlike other graphic design books, The Elements of Graphic Design reveals the secrets of successful graphic design from the unique perspective of the page’s “white space.” With the help of carefully selected examples from art, design, and architecture, the role of white space as a connection between page elements is thoroughly explored.”

Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual
(Paperback) by Timothy Samara. “This book is a fun and accessible handbook that presents the fundamentals of design in lists, tips, brief text, and examples. “

Before & After Page Design (Paperback) by John McWade. The author “…walks his own talk, bringing you a beautifully clear, cohesive, and elegant primer on page design. You’ll learn by example how to design single-page and multi-page publications,..”

Do you have any favorite resources for the DIY designer? Let me know. Love to hear from you.

Photo by Zeptonn

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4 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Book Designer.

“You know a design is good when you want to lick it.”~ Steve Jobs


We all love good design. That’s why the iPod and Ikea have been so successful. Design is the difference between something that is OK and something that is memorable. If you hope to have a successful personal history business producing books, you’ll want to include a designer on your team. Here  are four important benefits of good design.

  1. Good design affects people emotionally. You’ll lose clients if your books have great content but look homemade. When prospective clients see your work, they don’t have time to read the content. They’ll be primarily influenced by how attractive the books look. Advances in neuroscience have shown that people tend to act first on emotion, then follow it with reasoning to support their choice. The more people are  emotionally drawn to your work, the more likely they’ll hire you.
  2. Good design conveys credibility. Don Norman, a former Apple design guru, sees the value of producing good design. He says,“We all have the feeling that attractive things work better.” If you produce  first class books, your company projects quality, care, and professionalism.
  3. Good  design supports and enhances the content. It’s true that content is vital. But if you have to struggle to read a book, you’re not likely to enjoy it. We can all recall coping with a poorly designed book with type that’s too small or inappropriate for the subject, no white space for the text to breath, lack of headings to provide guidance, and photos placed without any seeming logic. Remember that in addition to your client, your book will be read by others. Your books are your calling card. They speak in your absence. Will your books speak of quality and great design?
  4. Good design differentiates you from the others. It’s becoming a crowded field in the world of self publishing. What will set you apart from all the others  is  design that is compelling.

Image by Juhan  Sonin

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