Monday’s Link Roundup.

**LAST WEEK to vote on my poll: How long have you been a personal historian? Click here to vote.**

Happy Memorial Day to all my American readers! This Monday’s Link Roundup has something for grammarians. Afraid of splitting your infinitives? Well, no need to worry! Check out Five Grammar “Rules” That Beg To Be Broken. If you find proofing your own work still leaves you missing pesky typos, then you’ll want to read Proofreading Tips for Finding Errors in Your Own Writing.

  • Five Grammar “Rules” That Beg To Be Broken. “For those of us who were actually taught grammar in school, we have stored in our long-term memory a list of unbreakable grammar rules…And guess what: some of the nevers never were grammar rules. They are grammar myths passed down from English teacher to English teacher to your boss.”
  • Preserving Family Memories (Podcast). “Stories. Conversations. Oral History Interviews. Whatever you call them, they can help us discover our family heritage and provide us with precious information that can be passed on for generations to come. We are preserving our family memories with Diane Haddad, the editor of Family Tree Magazine.”
  • ReclaimPrivacy Bookmarklet Rates Your Facebook Exposure Levels. “Facebook’s privacy settings are notoriously complex, and the results of changes hard to see instantly. has a handy bookmarklet that shows which potentially insecure and privacy-invading settings are enabled on your Facebook account when you click it.”
  • Proofreading Tips for Finding Errors in Your Own Writing. “Reading the newspaper each day, I catch frequent errors in grammar and usage. It’s easy for me to find errors in newspapers—and, in general, in the writing of others. What’s hard is finding errors in my own writing.”
  • The No. 1 Habit of Highly Creative People. “Creativity is a nebulous, murky topic that fascinates me endlessly — how does it work? What habits to creative people do that makes them so successful at creativity?”

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2 Responses to Monday’s Link Roundup.

  1. Hi Dan,
    Thanks for the link to the excellent ‘Writing Matters’ site and the ‘Five Grammar Rules’ piece.

    As a wee bit of an obsessive-compulsive proofreader (Honest! I can’t help it! Grammar rules were beaten into me by the nuns at Mt. Mary Immaculate Academy….), I have to say that I started reading this piece with some skepticism. But (an example of one of their five “rules”) I found that I agreed with all five examples of ‘nevers’ that actually don’t make any sense – and likely never did.

    What a relief! Thanks for this.


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